05 Jun Seminar on The role of witnesses and expert witnesses in arbitration proceedings
On 4 June 2019 the Arbitration Association has, in cooperation with University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, successfully organized another arbitration seminar for arbitration practitioners and enthusiasts. The topic of the June seminar was: “The role of witnesses and expert witnesses in arbitration proceedings”.
The panelists were: Ms. Ana Stanic, E&A Law, Ms. Tijana Lalic, Prica&Partners and Dr. Jovan Nikčević, BIT.
In the two-hour discussion and in communication with the members of the audience, the topics which were dealt , inter alia, include the following: importance of gathering evidence/facts in preparation for the arbitration proceedings, the role of foreign attorneys in international proceedings, the importance of timely and full cooperation and communication with the client, due care in preparation of witness statements/expert reports, as well in their preparation for oral hearing, problems of language i.e. importance of translation, as well as different techniques of direct and cross-examination. A special attention has been drawn to differences in approach to witness examination by attorneys from common law and civil law jurisdictions, as well as to different standards of independence and impartiality required for party appointed experts. The problems of taking of the evidence in investment arbitration where state is one of the parties have been the subject matter of a separate analyses.
Upon conclusion of the seminar, the participants have continued their professional discussions in a friendly atmosphere over a cocktail organized by E&A Law, London based law-firm.