IX Belgrade Arbitration Conference and X Belgrade Open Pre-Moot


Serbian Arbitration Association in cooperation with the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law will once again have a pleasure of hosting leading arbitration practitioners, experts and academics from London, Paris,Vienna, Moscow, Geneva, Zurich, Dubai, New York and Belgrade at its annual Belgrade Arbitration Conference. The Conference topics will deal with the issues of arbitrability, third party funding and interim measures, and assessment of damages in arbitration. See Conference Program.

 The Conference will take place on March 31, 2017 at the amph. V of the Belgrade Faculty of Law from 13:30 to 20:30. The attendance is free of charge and requires only prior on-line registration.

Over the weekend of April 1-2, 2017, the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law will hold its X Belgrade Open Pre-Moot, an international student competition that will gather 79 universities from 39 countries around over 150 mock arbitration hearings that will be judged by over 300 arbitration practitioners.
