Fifth Sarajevo Arbitration Day

On October 24, 2019 Fifth Sarajevo Arbitration Days were held. The topics that were discussed were diversity in international commercial arbitration in light of arbitrators’ appointment, concession agreements in Bosnia and Hercegovina and in practice, as well as FIDIC standard terms of contracts. Key note speech was given by Mirèze Philippe, special representative of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), who talked about representation of women in arbitration and reminded that we all have a duty to work on achievement of equal representation of men and women in arbitration. Two members of Arbitration Association were among the panelists – Filip Boras, who talked about the diversity in international arbitration both when composition of team within law offices is in question as well as about the composition of arbitral panel and Jovan Nikčević, Ph.D who talked about FIDIC terms of contract, relationship between investor, contractor and subcontractor, as well as about dispute settlement in front of DAB. Arbitration Association was a media partner in organization of this event.