21 Oct 3rd GAR Live Vienna
VIAC together with the Austrian Arbitration Association (Arb|Aut) and Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners (YAAP) organized the 3rd GAR Live Vienna. The conference took place on 18 October 2019 in the Christoph Leitl Lounge (former SkyLounge) of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.
The programme consisted of the following 4 sessions:
Session one: The effect of sanctions on arbitration
Session two: The GAR Live Inquisition – are international arbitration counsel at home in big law firms and arbitrators in boutiques?
Session three: The GAR Live Question Time – due process paranoia and corruption
Session four: The GAR Live Debate on the motion: “This house believes that the Prague Rules are a waste of time.”
The Conference was concluded with the key note address of Prof. Dr Vladimir Pavic (University of Belgrade Faculty of Law), Vice-President of Belgrade Arbitration Center. Prof. Pavic gave the thought-provoking speech on ‘Money – when it should matter less and when it should matter more’ discussing how costs decisions (in big cases) are opaque and often just horse-trading, although they deal with significant sums of money. At the same time, a lot of practitioners are, sadly, avoiding small arbitrations for whatever reasons, but the point was made that they are fun, often one’s first and sometimes only impression about how the system works and that even experienced practitioners should do it more often.
More information on this event can be obtained on the official website: http://gar.live/vienna2019